In the last five years our group has published more than 90 papers in high impact journals in the fields of Chemistry, Physics, Material Science, Biology and Medicine. Some of them have been highlighted as cover (3 articles), inside cover (3 articles), frontispiece (2 articles) and VIP article (1 article). In the following section, a selection of the most relevant journals, number of published papers and the average Impact Factors, is presented (Journal Abbreviation (nº papers published) (Journal average Impact Factor)):
Acc. Chem. Res. (1) (I.F.: 24.348) ACS Nano (8) (I.F.: 11.879)
Angew. Chem. (3) (I.F.: 9.474) Langmuir (9) (I.F.: 4.105)
Biomaterials (3) (I.F.: 7.697) Mater. Chem. (1) (I.F.: 6.108)
Chem. Commun. (1) (I.F.: 6.718) Chem. Mater. (1) (I.F.: 8.238)
Nanoscale (6) (I.F.: 5.171) Nanomedicine (7) (I.F.: 5.158)
Biosens. Bioelectron. (2) (I.F.: 5.437) Small (3) (I.F.: 7.661)
Adv. Drug Del. Rev. (1) (I.F.: 12.707)